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Eyal Peretz Literature, Disaster, and the Enigma of Power (Hardback)
Buy: $204.71 CAD
Stathis Gourgouris Does Literature Think? (Paperback)
Buy: $62.60 CAD
Jonathan Brennan Mixed Race Literature (Paperback)
Buy: $59.21 CAD
Stathis Gourgouris Does Literature Think? (Paperback) (UK IMPORT)
Buy: $66.29 CAD
Eyal Peretz Literature, Disaster, and the Enigma of Power (Paperback)
Buy: $60.92 CAD
Sarah Brouillette Literature and the Creative Economy (Hardback)
Buy: $215.75 CAD
Kurt Mueller-Vollmer Translating Literatures, Translating Cultures (Hardback)
Buy: $216.52 CAD
Lee Morrissey The Constitution of Literature (Hardback)
Buy: $142.02 CAD
Jonathan M. Hes Middlebrow Literature and the Making of German-Jewish (Hardback)
Buy: $166.63 CAD
Paul Debreczeny Social Functions of Literature (Hardback)
Buy: $189.44 CAD
Sarah Brouillette Literature and the Creative Economy (Hardback) (UK IMPORT)
Buy: $231.52 CAD
Rendering French Realism by Lawrence R. Schehr, NEW Book, FREE
Buy: $154.25 CAD
Figuring Korean Futures: Children’s Literature in Modern Korea by Zur, Dafna, NE
Buy: $166.22 CAD
Sociability and Society: Literature and the Symposium by K. Ludwig Pfeiffer, NEW
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Moments of Capital: World Theory, WORLD Literature (Currencies: New Thinking for
Buy: $211.85 CAD